Practice blog

We all agree with the fact that internet is a place where we can have fun, doing things like chatting with our friends, sharing nice pictures and searching contents that we like, however if we don't use it carefully, it can be really dangerous.

Sometimes we don't notice that we are sharing too much personal information, like our full names, our family members and let everyone know about the places we attend often. In my case, I try to avoid sharing my current location on social medias such as Instagram and Facebook. 

I use social medias really often, but the one I enjoy the most is YouTube, because there I can spend my freetime watching TV shows and listening to music. I use that site anonymously, so I like the fact that no one can write you messages there and know who you are, so I think is a safe place if you use it in that way. On another social medias, like Facebook I use my real name, but I don't like chatting with strangers, I only do it with my close friends. I believe if we don't share our personal information, internet can be really useful and unharmful for us.
